Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Course Syllabus

Course Number ASU 101 (FSE/CSE)

Course Title The ASU Experience/Computer Science and Engineering

Semester Hours 1 Meeting Lecture 50 minutes once per week for 10 weeks and 5 hours of internet coursework

Catalog Description:
ASU 101 (FSE/CSE) is a required, one-credit course offered in sections capped at 19 and designed to introduce students to Computer Systems Engineering and Computer Science as a profession, provide students with the necessary study skills to be successful in engineering and to familiarize students with the opportunities available to them in the engineering school.

First year students at ASU in Computer Science and Engineering

Textbook(s) and other materials:
Lecture slides, reading materials, and handouts.

Course learning outcomes:

The course learning outcomes are as follows:

1. Students will be able to identify what it means to be a successful student at ASU and ways in which ASU supports their success

a. Students will be able to provide a broad definition of what it means to be a successful student

b. Students will be able to identify the central role that planning and time management play in student success

c. Students will be able to identify the resources in the Fulton School as well in ASU for student success

2. Students will be able to provide a definition of academic dishonesty and the consequences of that at ASU

a. Students will be able to define the conditions that constitute plagiarism and copyright violations.

b. Students will be able to identify the ramifications of academic dishonesty at ASU

3. Students will recognize computer science and computer systems engineering ideas behind various every day applications that they may have encountered such as cell phones, automobiles, search engines, computer games, blogs and computer viruses.

4. Students will be able to enumerate computer science and computer systems engineering concepts that they will learn in the four year BS (CS) and BSE (CSE) programs.

a. Students will have exposure to the various sub-disciplines in CS and CSE program.

b. Students will be able to select courses that are part of the particular sub-discipline.

Course assessment plan:
Assignments: 75%
Attendance: 25%

Grading plan:
100% - 90% A
89% - 80% B
79% - 70% C
69% - 60% D
59% and below E

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