Wednesday, September 22, 2010

22 Sept, 2010: Lecture 5

A few tools to navigate through your curriculum, and monitor your progress towards your degree.

1. Presentation on DARS
2. Major Maps
3. Major Search

Although these look like zip files, they are .pptx.
Just open them with Powerpoint.


Homework from the class of Sept 22, 2010

Write a routine to test if a given list of numbers is sorted
IsSorted(n, a1, a2, …, an)
         // return YES if a1, … an is sorted
         // else return NO
Your algorithm should work for any 'n', any set of numbers, a1, ...., an, and for any permutation of numbers a1,... an, AND should finish in finite time.

Then answer the following questions
–Why will your solution work for any n?
–Why will your solution work for any given set of numbers?
–Why will your solution work for any permutation of those numbers?
–Why will your solution finish in finite time?

Deadline: Sunday, Sept 26, 2010.

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Homework from the class of Sept 15, 2010

As discussed in the class, here is the homework for this week.

Write an algorithm to search for a number in a list of given numbers.
–Should take a list of numbers a1, a2, ... an, and a key "k" as input.
–Should return "YES" if the k is the same as one of a1, ... an, else return "NO".

Also write a proof of correctness and proof of finiteness

Deadline: Sunday, Sept 19, 2010.

Monday, September 13, 2010

Comments on homework 2.

Hi all,

I had a look at HW2. Most of you have done it.
I have written some comments. See if you need to do something more.


Thursday, September 9, 2010

Homework from the class of Sept 08, 2010

I need you to formally write an algorithm to compute the max. of a given list of numbers.
Also I want you to argue that your algorithm
1. will terminate
2. will produce the correct results for any set of numbers.
Please finish this by Sunday, I will check the blog posts very early on the morning of Monday, and assign grades.

See you in the class, next Wednesday.

- Aviral

Friday, September 3, 2010

Homework from the class of Sept 01, 2010

We discussed the sorting problem in the class.

Essentially the problem is that given a set of numbers as input, create an arrangement (permutation) of the numbers, so that each number is greater than the one before (to the right of) it.

You need to design an algorithm to do this. You can assume that there are "n" numbers.
Any algorithm is fine. Now remember, what is an algorithm: - a sequence of mechanized steps, that will get the job done for
i) any input, and in
ii) in finite time.

You can simply write down the steps in english, or write it in any programming language of your choice. I would prefer the later.
Please do this in about half a page (definitely less than a page) on your blog.
I will check the blog posts very early on the morning of Wednesday, and give scores.

See you in the class, next Wednesday.

- Aviral

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

01 Sept, 2010: Lecture 2

Lecture Slides

Why is ASU a New Amerrican University

Student blogs

In the order in which I recieved them:

Michael Green:
David Taylor:   
Jordan Anderson:
Austin Rowley:
Justin Lai:        
Samuel Colvin:
Sam Fink:        
Jeremy Booker:
Christopher Conant:
Chibum Kim:   
Christopher Norzagaray:
Robin Yau:      
Austin Waller: 
Matthew Berk:
Nicolas Moccia:
Gabe Kishi:     
Andrew Wilcox:
James Marovich
Miles P. Barnes